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This site is about our PRODUCTION of

Made to measure.

Round wire Compression springs with the following characteristics:
  • wire-diameter: from mm. 20 to mm. 70.
  • Outer Diameter, free lenght, pitch (distance coil-coil) made to measure by the requestes of the customers.

We manufacture the spring using different high quality materials as steel alloys for springs, by of the use and the needs of the application.
Manufactured on:
drawing, sample, data, or type of the application or otherwise projected directly from us or provided from you.

The large springs of our production are generally used in the following fields:

  • automotive,

  • electricity generating stations, hydro-electric power plants, nuclear power stations,

  • military ships,

  • military equipments,

  • naval parts and equipments,

  • electrical big brakes,

  • big valvles,

  • garden and baby park equipments,

  • energy production plants,

  • mooring springs: large yachts, large barks, cruise ships.

  • anti-seismical devices/ anti-oscillation reinforced concrete dynamic bases for houses, bridges, etc.,

  • anti-oscillation bridge sheatings,

  • machineries and large plants for mills and crushers,

  • anti-oscillation platforms (big machineries, long oil pipes, oil wells, etc.),

  • military launching pads,

  • rebalance of ancient buildings or innovative buidings,

  • oil-wells,

  • forging hydraulic presses and forging equipments.

Anyway, thanks to a large know-how of almost half century, we don't exclude new and interesting aplliction fields for springs of our manufacturing.

Thanks to a strong know-how in the field of manufacturing of springs for a lot different applications, our team is at the service of the customers for every problem about:

  • studio and project of springs,

  • manufacturing of springs,

  • studio of prototypes of objects using springs

  • studio about solutions of  big shock absorbers and dampers.

Our team of technicians is availiable on request for inspections about abroad companies in order to define in the best way the springs to use for everytype of problem of shock-absorbering.

we manufacture almost every type of springs,  
with wire starting from diameter 0,2 mm (small and medium springs) until largest diameter of wires (normally used for large springs)

Please check here about
a lot of other types of springs manufactured from us.

INGBRUNI - Div. MOLLIFICIO - Busalla (GE) -ITALIA - P.I. IT03700420106 - contacts: Tel. (39) 010 9760403 oppure (39) 3483226953; email:

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